Hello friends, dreamers, anarchists, deviants and lovers alike I’m writing because the time has now come to stop talking and start acting. For many years now we have all been given the great gift of no social responsibility. We are from the most affluent generation and we have been told to do nothing, simply just to educate our selves, discover who we are, enjoy the ride and sort out what to do to enter “the real world.” Some how along this path bestowed upon us all we have learned more than we were perhaps intended to. What if “the real world” is not what we want, what if social normalization is fucked up, what if we see the model in front of us and we just don’t fit. Well we’ve all know for a while that these what ifs are what ares. At some point we’ve all pointed out the worlds problems to one and other, be it late nights drinking talking shit about the “normal” kids around us we don’t understand, heated debates about the politics controlling our youth, or heart to hearts about what we each want from life.
What I find most interesting about all of this is that we are all reaching similar conclusions, the most profound being that we all believe in some form of coexistence together. Be it simple small group dynamics or large scale gatherings, some of the most powerful, inspirational, and happiest moments I have experienced have been shared by my friends who are all living out the fleeting moments of life collectively. This sense is so strong in all of you, a huge part of your experiment with no social responsibility has been to seek the collective, to live in co-ops, build something for burningman, take others into your homes, go couchsurfing etc. What each person and their experience has taught them is amazing, even bordering on profound. I’ve sat down one on one with all of you and heard these ideas, seen your passion, seen what you want. These ideals are beautiful, but unfortunately for you and for me they are not fully reality. Every one of you is not content with what is in front of you, each one of you feels the weight of the injustice in the world and all of you want to make something more of the world around you, to make something more of yourself, and to make something better. Unfortunately all of our idle chat does not amount to us living fulfilling lives. I’m no moral authority in this world and I have no place to say what is right and what is wrong, nor do I want this position. But what I do know is that if we can agree on what is right together than we are making a bold step in a direction, rather than just drifting through life.
We are all growing up and for most of you that step of entering the “real world” is at your doorstep or at least a possibility in the foreseeable future. I suppose its possible that one can delay this social circumstance for a few more years, and it seems a good option. I might suggest it and even encourage it, if that is your inclination. A lot of you are now finally in control of you own lives, no more college, no more homework, no more predetermined plans, no more hoops to jump through. It’s a wonderful time, a time I’ve thoroughly explored not being a college student and what I have experienced in it is priceless and an education unto itself. Some of you I’m sure have a need to travel, a need to explore, a need to still solidify their voice, or a need to have no responsibly or plan at all. Go do these things and I’ll support you 100%, I understand these needs, I’ve gained lots of experience this way. But before you roam, please consider one thing: for me there is an alternative and I need your help. That is why I’m writing this letter
As all of you know by now I’ve been going on and on about building a working prototype of some form of a collective and if you don’t well there it is. As a lover of life and keen observer I’ve gathered many ideas and theories about philosophy, sociology, life and love. I’m not about to write my personal manifesto here or anything, but rather share with you what I’m going to do about all the various things I’ve ranted on about now for years. I know that each of you has been touched very strongly by the things I’ve already stated and each of you already believes in the power of US. I’m in no way belittling all of the small things that we have done to improve our social surroundings or to make ourselves happy, but there is a point where we have to follow through with our ideas and actually live out our ideals and personal morals outright, not half assed. I’m not sure that I have any solution to the world’s problems, but I think I’ve started to sort out a way to live out these convictions, create a life worth living, and to be the change we all seem to so desperately crave. So I’m asking all who crave this to collect, unite, buck the system and make the leap in to the “real world” by building our own real world. It’s time, it’s a Call to Farm!
Our world, and most specifically our American social world, is pulling us apart. Literally. Everyone is now finished or finishing college, and what looms ahead we all don’t want. So I ask why are we running away from one and other. You’ve all heard from adults “college is like that”, or “those were the days being young” This infuriates me. Yes it holds some validity, as I already explained how we are products of so much socioeconomic success and we have been given this glorious chunk of time, but it neglects the most powerful element, the human one. That magic, those moments, they aren’t dreams, they are real and oh so real. All they were was US being US. Each one of you being who you were as fully as possible at those moments, we don’t need college for that to be real. I never went to the institution; I had a job while you were there. Do any of you doubt how much I love you, do any of you doubt the sincerity of good laughs together, do any of you doubt what I’ve done with you as being insincere. I would assume not, I certainly don’t think this the case at all. Humans interact one on one in very special ways, but the rules that guide these individual relationships are very unique, they only exist between the two parties. What the out side person sees is just a perception, these perceptions are what rule so much of our social order. For example we can all call each other friends, but you don’t know the exact rules of Rebecca and my relationship. Or we can all understand what brothers are, or mom and daughter etc. I’m not saying this is bad, social order is brilliant, we all stop at stop signs, we have the internet, the list is endless. What is important to gather from this though is that most of social rule is based on something completely abstract, something we can’t pinpoint at all. This is why it pisses me off when we hear adults say: “those were the days.” Its not necessarily the way we must progress, it’s the people and the rules they were operating under at that time. The beauty of this is that time is irrelevant if you live that way everyday, even if it’s an uphill battle. I certainly don’t do it even a fraction of the time, but that’s because I’m constantly battling with complacency in the social world. Mostly because social normalization is not asking the basic and most challenging thing: Be you, all of you who you are to the core of your being and share that with everyone. More often than not it is asking you to fit in and only be you when the time is right, when that’s possible. We each experience these moments of freedom from this trap when we are dancing and squiggling like mad men (and women), camping with your best mates by the fire, or just getting a brilliant hug that changes your whole day. I know this is the way of the larger social world and I can’t complain too much, I’ve managed my whole life through it, I’m sure I could keep going. But I don’t want to, I see no reason to. I want all of you by my side creating our own rules in our own space, free of the convictions of our modern social world. No I don’t wish to run from it, WE WILL NOT DROP OUT! I wish to see the brilliant side of all of you, that glimmer, that smile, the idea that’s even too crazy for you to fully comprehend, come to life. I want to be a part of building that space, that place that’s as free as a festival, as joyous as a dance party, as fun as a huge feast, as hard as making someone sad happy, and as challenging as loving some, our everyday reality. I want your help to address the things that hold us back, get rid of them, and build something special where we can live, learn, be ourselves and follow thru with our dreams. Then we can take this magic with us everywhere, to everyone stuck in “it,” and be a bigger part of the change.
I’ve talked endlessly about this idea with all of you, and other folks with knowledge or interest, and have been working really, really hard to sort thru the logistics, gather my thoughts, and learn more to come up with some sort of plan.
There are some things that seem to be very universal about this idea and I will state them below. If they are way off or need changing, that is what this is all about. I’m not striving to be right, I’m striving to make a forever-working prototype, so correct me if I’m wrong…
We need a community that has or is based around:
• A shared vision created by all involved that’s always up for review
• Home food production via a garden or a series of individual gardens/goats/chickens etc
• Simplicity
• Affordability
• Is out of town but has easy transit to an urban center
• No Dropping out meaning greater social connection regularly
• Woofer/couch surfer welcome
• An educational space
• Is a work in progress that doesn’t stagnate
• Individual housing, eco village, co-housing style so that it may function with all X members present or with just 1 member present
• A piece of land that suits the needs and has room for growth
• Not to grow too fast too quickly
• A working model of sustainability and low impact living (grey water, rain water collection, organic, off the grid, etc)
• The space (once finished, no flaking out) can and should be used as a base so one may come and go, and upon their return it will still be in order (for travel, exploration, working on side projects that take time, moving on to other things etc)
• Built by us, for us, not by contractors
• Large scale use of recycled materials
• The principle that free time becomes part of the daily routine so that creativity, not just practicality can flourish. Time for Art, music, parties, yoga etc just as important as cleaning the bathroom.
• Pacific northwest location (likely outside Ashland, Eugene, Corvallis, Portland or Bellingham)
As all of you know the person at my side through most of this ranting and fully supporting my dreams and wild intricacies, has been Rebecca. Her inspiration and support are priceless to me and so all of the ideas below are not just mine but ours (she is with me while I’m writing this) and represent the first step in trying to sort out what is best for the group.
Plan for the Fall/Getting Everyone Together
Our plan to get this ball rolling is this, note this is the date part and the calendar thing so many of you hate:
I return to Oregon on Aug 12, 2010 (Rebecca will already be back). This strangely enough also happens to be when a really amazing festival is going to be happening in Oregon again. This one is called Beloved (google it). I would love to see a crew rallied, but I’m not organizing any wild trip from Colorado this time. If some of you are keen on the festy, it could be a really good starting point for our adventures in creating community.
After the festival is over, Rebecca and I plan to search for a place to rent for at least 6 months. This place is going to be on the outskirts of an urban center. Most likely outside of Eugene or Portland (for the sake of simplicity), it will be a house we rent with some land. I’ll explain more of what I’d like to see from this house a bit later.
First, more plans. After we have sorted out the spot, I’m going make a quick trip to Colorado. I’ve got a small amount of goods for the project I sorted thru last summer I’d like to collect and I’ll be picking up Amac and moving him across the country to Oregon. At some point when I’m there I will be buying a pick up truck to move Amac and pick up my trailer in Idaho. Yes, I am the proud owner of an airstream! Back in Oregon, I then plan on selling the truck. Think of it like a really high deductable car rental.
The other option, which I have no idea if I can afford, would be to buy a nicer diesel pickup truck or utility van and then, once back in Oregon, convert it to veggie oil. I’ve always wanted to do this, but would need some keen helpers. Having a utility vehicle would be mighty handy, bordering on necessary, for this project. I’m looking for advice on this one and maybe some one to go in on it with me, or maybe a group effort could be made.
I’m currently thinking I will be in boulder from Aug 24-31 at the longest (want it to be shorter). I know that this is during Burning Man. I will not be attending the man, this is not the year for it for me. I’d like to put in some effort into it and possibly make a camp with all of you fine people for the next year, 2011.
The alternative plan is for me to come back to CO straight after Beloved. That way we could get everyone involved out to Oregon and then crash about till we find a good spot to settle.
I’ve not made exact plans for this period. First reason being that should there be multiple people wanting to move out to Oregon from boulder, we can all car pool. One option for those who are carless and needing a way out would be for me to drive my van out to Colorado and then car pool with the van and the truck (and others with their own cars?). My other option is to fly one way and then buy the truck. This is mostly for those of you with out cars/transport.
There are a few other things that I’m fairly certain on based on my last communication with these folks.
• Dr. Z (Mike Zeligs) is on to this for sure. He has told me he will be living in Oregon this fall. He may be bringing some from the Bay area with him. I’m not sure what his plan for summer is exactly, or if he will be back in Colorado, but if you are going back to Colorado, we should all depart CO together
• Max Bitman has said this is his end of the summer goal. There is also talk from him about buying a bus, I think he was looking for partners on this front? This bus could also move people?
• I will still be pursuing professional cyclocross racing in the fall from the end of September to the middle of Dec. This is how I will be making a living and trying to save money as well. This means I’ll be adrift during the fall, flying out for weekends or missing for a few weeks at a time. But this lifestyle does allow for a large amount of free-time as well. For all you Oregon kids, you’re pretty used to this.
Ideas and Goals for the house
At this point your all probably thinking I’m a little daft and an organizational freak, but please stay with me. Now onto the house I’ve talked about renting above.
I see this house as the starting point. I would like to see this place as an open workshop for experimentation to gather and learn for building our own community. Here are some of the points I wish to strive for. Please feel free to add more.
• This house will be outside an urban center so we can have this experience for when we buy our own land to discover our community’s particular needs, such as proximity to town.
• This house will have space for a garden to learn more skills for our own garden in the future
• This house will serve as a grounds for collecting much of what we will need to build our own space. Things like rain water collection practice, materials gathering, etc etc. I assume the list of these things will come to form more clearly once everyone is in the house
• This house will be the starting grounds for creating a shared vision where everyone has a vested personal interest
• This house will have lots of people living in it and probable room sharing to keep costs down
• This house will have bulk food buying to keep costs down
• This house will help us figure out if this is where our intentions lie.
As mike put it we should start a temporary co-op, if you will.
This one has probably been running through all of your minds. At such a young age, where none of us has had a high paying job for very long, or for that matter a job at all, how on earth can we spring to make this happen. Well there is a lot to that, and I’ll get to it but first some more ranting.
In a society that values money so highly, what do so many people spend their money on? Oh that’s right, time. They get so caught up in the battle for material wealth that they give up the thing that really makes us wealthy. Think about it. People often go seeking materials for happiness to such an extent that they pay other people to either take care of their materials or someone to do the things they should be doing with their time. For example you get a huge house, put a bunch of crap in it, now you pay someone to clean it and look after your stuff so you don’t have to. What the fuck is that about.
Then there is this whole notion that stuff is the goal and that we should focus our whole lives on a system that’s about collecting material wealth. The trap is so deep, and the system so entrenched, we go well beyond ourselves to get these things. Credit card debt, mortgages, loans, no money down, have it now and pay for it later. Without so much stuff, life becomes more free. But guess what! If we get out of this systematic social rut earlier in life, we are wealthier in what all those yuppy wankers want any way … and that’s time! I’m not kidding about this stuff. I know plenty of well-intentioned folks who were not happy about the system when they were our age, but then they got sucked in, they bought a house, have a huge mortgage and work jobs they don’t really like in order to pay off the debt. These are people I love and cherish, they really want to make the world a better place, but they don’t have the time or energy to complete all their projects.
This is a huge thing I’m trying to avoid by making this community lifestyle my life of choice. These first few years are not going to be easy but if I lower my standard of living and up my quality of life, what does it matter? If I can provide myself what I need to survive and create a base of operations to explore life, explore the world, make beautiful art, help my friends, and help the helpless, then what more can I ask for? I’m not trying to get sucked into monthly payments by renting a house for the next 10 years while I’m working jobs that pay shit in order to enjoy these things that make life worth living. The further removed from this horrible American economic model that values the dollar more than the human life and pissing dollars down the drain, the better.
The starting point is, however, the rental house. This house will be set up to be as cheap as possible. We will have more people living in it than the lease allows, room sharing is a real possibility, and dumperstering will be a regular practive.. We will grow as much food for ourselves as possible and anything else we need we will try to buy in bulk. This should help lower food cost. Then we will work towards setting up sustainable models, such as grey water, rain water, etc to lower our cost on utilities and gain experience with these systems. This is how I think we can keep our overhead costs low to begin with.
Beyond that it gets a bit tougher. I believe we will need to be in this house and on a lease for 6 months to 1 year. This period of time would largely be used as a time for the group to not only gain skills, live together, create a shared vision, but to work. I know work can suck (a whole notion of fulfilling work being a different paper), but if you have something to work for then it’s not so bad.
I think this period of time should be used to come up with a shared vision, a collective goal, if you will. Part of that will be how much money we should try to save. If we are living cheaply, much of what we each make can be put into a collective fund for buying property in the future.
I know that the large majority of you have nothing, or next to nothing. Some of you might have something to contribute. I have a little to contribute 15k or so in about a year from now. Either way, this is not a lot of money but its pretty much all I’m worth. Rebecca has money saved as well, and we are still living day to day as bums, just like all of you. We will continue bumming while in NZ, work trading our way around the country, but not really making money. I understand and have a need to just get by as well as any of the rest of you.
So, this is the major goal of the first house. Until we come together and are serious about this, we will not know what our mutually respected goals are. Once we can all sit down together, I think all of this will take much greater shape and we’ll have a more clear Idea of what we want, including a financial plan for procuring our own land.
The Future and Community Housing Ideas
Oh the future, man is it ever easy to live there, hope there, and just crave to be there. What a trap this can be. I’m certainly no advocate of living in the future. I’ve even been known to rant about living in the moment and really enjoying what’s going on right now. I’ve also been one to rant about the plan and what great value it holds. Sometimes if you have a plan, when those fleeting moments do come along then you’re bloody well prepared to be the whole you when they are going down.
I guess the reason I’m putting this out there is not to make a plan, my plan is already pretty developed bordering on overly developed, maybe living too much in the future. So I guess what I’m trying to accomplish here is not so much to plan, but to inform and inspire with this idea I have in my head. I want to show you that this idea is real and tangible and not just Adam’s crazy pipe dream.
First I’ll cover a random probability of affording property, which sometimes seems pretty far-fetched, even to me. Say we set up a goal, for arguments sake, its 150,000. We end up with 150,000 and we find a piece of property for 175,000. Math says we are 25, 000 short, hurray math. This is all theoretical here so we know its going to likely take us at least 2 years to have a functional co-housing complex while we are still working regularly. So that means we could mortgage 25,000 dollars over 2 years. That’s only $1,042 per month, split that 4 ways and that’s cheap. Split it more and it’s even cheaper. So now, for arguments sake, say that the piece of property we really want (15 acres with a stream, good water table etc) is 200,000. We finance 50,000 over 2 years and your still looking at just over a 2,000 dollar payment monthly, which is what most folks are splitting in rent now. The key is that “rent” is going towards owning your own land. For most of you that means you could have a place of residence and no rent after only 3 years and that’s pretty clever.
I understand that this does not account for interest, but I’m just pointing out the affordability of this option. I also know I might sound like a hypocrite, especially since I went off about debt. If we can do it debt free, we should, but if it’s managed properly then it’s more like rent than a long term 30 year mortgage that locks you in.
Logically now, everyone is asking, well what the hell good is a piece of land. We cant live in nothing. So housing must be discussed. I’ve not got any real solutions or plans. I’ve got some ideas on what my ideal system would look like, but I’ll save that. I’ll just go on and explain some laws here and how they make me see the options. Its illegal to build any house smaller than 900sq feet. Its illegal for lots of folks to live together on a piece of land that are not related unless its zoned certainly. It is illegal to live in a house that is not approved and this has to be done thru building permits blue prints and plans etc, thus making multiple housing units illegal. Here is the good news you can have as many structures on your property as long as they are under 120 sq (10x12) feet. Also you can have as many non-permanent structures as you want (no foundations). Lastly if you don’t hook into the grid in any way you can build what ever the hell you want as far as I can tell, That’s what I understand of the laws, I’ll be looking into it more too.
So to me this points the solution towards being simple modular dwellings. Things like yurts seem to be the best option for cheap fast shelter. Cheaper and maybe even cooler are earth structures like earthships (google it). But they are way more labor intensive. Old busses would work. My airstream trailer is definitely going to be a starting point. We can build all out building out of recycled materials, like palate houses, used tire walls, etc etc. All of these options are really reasonably affordable, around 4-8k for your own personal house/shelter.
The other major option to all this is finding plots of land that suit the need that have a house with little to no declared value. Usually these houses are pretty fucked. In today’s day and age its like a level it and start from fresh for the land kind of thing. The benefit for us is that we wouldn’t need to level it. It could be the thing that is legal surrounded by a bunch of temporary structures. This would open options for temporary living in it while we establish more of the grounds. Later it could be turned into a community center/guest abode.
All of this might seem like a bit much, but they are real options. This is what is happening in my moments right now. I’m not living there, just learning more about what’s out there and that’s why I’m sharing it. I’ve got an idea of what I want to see, but that’s irrelevant right now, this is a group project, I’ll voice my opinion and it will have its place accordingly when the time comes. Please look at this as inspiration and see that with some conviction in ourselves this is a REAL possibility.
These things will become clear in time, just like this letter has become clear for me in time.
Transparency and Communication
Well if you’ve made it this far, good on ya, I’m almost done I swear.
Like all things involving people, communication is key. This task will be a bit harder since we are all still all over the map. I’m not an internet wizard so having someone step in on this would be a great help.
I’m going to post this on a blog called: acalltofarms.blogspot.com
I’m going to allow comments on the blog. For now lets use that as a primary way to communicate. Please use your real name and leave comments constructive of the document, to let everyone know your plans, or to say if your in or not. Also if anyone knows of better things let me know. Like google groups or something I’m clueless.
Beyond those comments is where we really need help and very clear communication from those who want to be involved up front. I’m down to help with the organization of this thing and sorting out a house for us to share, but transparency amongst the starting group will be crucial. This is a real commitment, and if you need time to not commit, please don’t. That said though, I’m by no means trying to lock any one down and throw away the key. I know that life has many twists and turns, opportunities fall in our laps and sometimes doors open just a crack and you have to run and push them open. I get this and if you must bow out once your committed, then bow knowing your choice will be supported.
I’ve already said and will say it again. I love all of you and support what your up too and what your choices may be. That means if you think I’m daft that’s cool. If your still sure you want to put your stuff in a sack and hitch hike to chile, do it!
But if this is something your interested in, in any form present or future please let me know. If its more of a long term goal please communicate this. If you want to come and spend next summer with us, please do. All of you have so much to offer and at some point I’d love to have your contribution in any for and we shall do our best to accommodate you. As well this will help us understand the potential for growth as this takes shape.
I know maybe this has taken a serious tone and maybe a bit dry. But sometimes I work like that and have to just put out some logic based thought. The point of this is just the opposite though, it’s a message from my soul asking you to join me in creating something , something so beautiful, so different, so creative, that our hearts, our minds, our lives can have the chance to reach our full potential.
As Mike has said so brilliantly, I’m not afraid to fail, this idea, this community is worth at least trying. If it works brilliant, if it doesn’t brilliant, but who cares it’s the journey that matters anyway.
I would love to journey with you
Thank you for being US,
Adam and Rebecca
P.S. 2 requests. Please find the books, Gaviotas and Everything I want to do is Illegal. They are 2 must reads for your summer. Gaviotas is about a community in Colombia, that is similar to what I talk about and sounds grand, a must visit on the life list. Second is Joe Sallatin’s book about farming and the battles of an everyday farmer against the USDA and our fucked up government. Its provided me more fuel to do this and has motivated me to make my life as an activist dedicated towards food and land stewardship.
Monday, March 15, 2010
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ReplyDeleteChanging the world one bite at a time….
ReplyDeleteFor me, the “call to farms” is a translation for the alchemy of turning sun and soil into food, dreams and ideas into reality. As you are probably aware, I love to cook. Potlucks are one of my bubbly, exuberant spaces. That and the dance floor! I have always been passionate about food and its ability to bring people together. As a basic need of all human beings, it is an element in our lives that we can all enjoy. It can be as simple and sustaining as beans and rice or as complex as roast tenderloin in gewürztraminer-apricot compote, but it is the community that shares the harvest that steeps the meal in culture and meaning. And it is for the community that I would like to create a place where the relationship to food is less of a tangled web of profit, corn, soy and nutrition and more of a meditation on the wisdom inherent in sharing a simple meal and enjoying, literally, the roots and fruits of your labor. The mixture of creativity and meditative monotony, as well as the collaboration involved in bringing a nourishing meal to maturity sparks not only taste buds but also compassion, comfort, happiness, and community through the sharing of meals and the efforts involved in their production.
The veil that cloaks our food in the states, is one that has left me confused and frustrated, looking for other alternatives. Ever since I left “the nest” and started exploring the grocery store in earnest, I have found less and less “food” that I am willing to support, to ingest, to enjoy. Once you look into where it comes from and what effect it has on quality of life, the environment, and the future of our world… the picture painted is rather unsavory. I guess I am a food snob, but not a hoity toity bourgeois epicurean. Rather, I just dream of honest, healthy, tasty food to share with you, with community, with people who need it. Simple meals with a story we can savor, and the empowering exhilaration of growing your own. And what better alternative than the do-it-yourself?
This is why I am so excited to sow the seeds of localized community and sustainable living in the fertile and creative valley of Oregon. So many people are onto similar ideas, there are so many resources for green technology and sustainable living, Portland is a foodie central, and conversations about alternatives to the corporate food chains are being put into action. I am so stoked to join in and contribute what I can, and I feel as though working and living with a community will help to expand the potential for creativity and action. I see The Call to Farms as a project that will mature in surprising and unsuspected ways, but just as the initial seed is intended to grow into a particular fruit, with an intention in mind we will find the structure with which to flourish… so for the fall I plan to find a spot, the House that will nurture our “seed” into germination, all of us together creating an intention to grow into a full-fledged community working together to support each others passions and inspire and nourish our surrounding environment, in whatever form that may be. I’d like to not just share ideas, but learn how to work together and start putting ideas into action, getting creative and nurturing what we desire for the future. This may be building yurts, tending a garden, making goat cheese, canning tomatoes, doing yoga, playing music, dancing, learning the art of compost, planning a composting toilet, designing projects, fixing a leak, potlucking festivities, journeying to Burning Man… anything that helps us build the skills that we will need.
ReplyDeleteI dream of making the world a better place… one bite at a time! I can’t wait to share with you the inspiration I find from growing, cooking, eating and thinking about well-loved food! And I eagerly anticipate the wisdom and creativity I will learn from each individual, all of us, that are free to follow the flow, our passion. Living a simpler, yet higher quality life, I hope to leave the world with more than what I take, creating a localized community with a global awareness… I have a lifetime of learning ahead!! I look forward to relishing the unique zing this life will bring, and treasuring the spice and flavor the “call to farms” clan will add!
Cheers! Rebecca
I just tried to post a commit on the blog, but it didn't work so this will be short because I already wrote it and lost it + I don't have all day.
ReplyDeleteyou letter inspires me! I'm in!!! at what point I'm not sure. I'm looking for seasonal work for the summer to save for the ski season. I would like to get Katie involved, but I'm not sure if she is down or not. We have some talking to do.
I just drove to AK with Jake Saxton in his veg oil van. it is a lot of work 5+ hours a day working on the system and collecting oil. I'm learning a lot and after the drive back to B-ham I should know if it is a reasonable task to take on. I think it is, desiel/ veg seems the way to go and I think I will have much of the knowledge to convert and maintain a veg system. It does take a lot of time, but I guess we will have a lot of time, although we will already be taking on a lot of major tasks.
Thank you for your letter, I appreciate all the time and thought that has gone into the plan.
Enjoy your travels down south!
be in touch
Paul Kimbro
muy amigos mios!
ReplyDeletehowdy dooo da and a big yeeeeeeeeeee ha everybody. i want to start off saying that the energy surrounding this is call to farms is incredible for me, knowing that its coming with the purest of intentions and dedication. the rabble has long been heard and the action is bubblin.
heres a quick brief on summer plans: returning home early may and i hope to hit the ground running with work(aka power poling, my aim is to save much over the course of the summer for the coming fall on the west coast), telluride bluegrass hoot hoot and thats all i really have in the books.
max, i would love to support you and the bus in any way i can, but that will have to wait till i return.
mainly, i support this journey thru and thru and will have more to add in the future, but for now i am off to the streets. ciao later
con amor
I sat down today, it being the umpteenth day of rain in a row at Mt. Baker this January, with an goal of brainstorming what to do with my life...or maybe just what kind of job I wanted for this summer. I started a list and it came out looking like this: search for good people, good music, good food...with lines drawn to farmers, community kitchens, and a drawing of a flower growing out of my head. While making my list I was browsing the interweb: looking up when to plant what vegetables(thinking 'I wish I had a place with space for this')...listening to music I've never heard (Mumford and Sons )...watching the latest Nimbus Independent film...researching community kitchens and eventually remembering you, this blog, and your wonderful, wonder full call to farm.
ReplyDeletePaul and I spent last summer living in a bell tent and saving money to spend this winter. This way, we work a little and play a lot. Although we have managed to reduce costs of living and maximize benefits of living, we are still pouring our money down the drain. We are spending too much money on gas to drive to the city to buy the vegetables that we should be growing and preserving ourselves and paying our landlord to live in his shitty shanty he calls a cabin.
After playing for four months, with roughly half my savings spent, it's time to find (or at least think about finding) another job. Faced with this question of what next? I find myself wondering if this is really the lifestyle I'm looking for. Instead of pouring it down the drain, shouldn't I be trying to build a future for myself? Is there some way I can merge the two, build a future and have lots of fun?
Upon reading your letter again almost a year from its writing, having proven to myself that I can live like a bum but also having realized that bums don't eat like queens and I want to, I'm beginning to understand that there is a way and it is likely through this call to farm.
In other words, I'm in! I was remembering Adam's idea of centering the commune not only around a farming but around a business and thought that a community kitchen would be a wonderful start. We could build a place were good people, good food, and good music come together. A place where everything on the menu is local, organic, and community driven. Customers could pay with money or by trading their homegrown vegies, their time, or their own line of work (music, art, carpentry, etc.) for meals. This link is to a community kitchen in Salt Lake City where I got the idea:
They are willing to help others set up kitchens like theirs anywhere. There is even a pdf you can download that outlines their business ideas. This could be a great option for us and a great way to get the whole community involved (i.e. other farmers, electricians, plumbers, musicians, and people who know stuff we don't...)
Anyway these are some thoughts I've had, let me know what you think.
Meanwhile, I'm continuing my search for summer employment but keeping the call to farm in mind more than ever and hope to meet more of the crew involved.
Happy new year! I hope someone still checks this?
Katie Knipe